Manager | Partner
Profiles provide an overview of each available profile within Taikun. They allow you to configure templates for accessing your clusters, set up notifications for alerts, and more. If you want to use a profile in your projects, you need to add it and select the appropriate option during project creation.
Kubernetes, Access, and Standalone Profiles can only be added during project creation. Alerting and Policy Profiles can be added to existing projects.
Kubernetes Profiles
Set parameters for your Kubernetes profile and select it from the dropdown menu during project creation.
Kubernetes Profiles
Access Profiles
To enable SSH access to your clusters, you must create an Access profile. This profile defines the parameters required for remote access and can be selected during project creation.
Access Profiles
Alerting Profiles
Taikun allows you to monitor the status of Kubernetes clusters using various tools. Alerting profiles let you configure email, webhook, or other integrations to receive Kubernetes notifications.
Alerting Profiles
Policy Profiles
Manager | Partner
Policy profiles define various security configurations that can be applied to Kubernetes clusters. Set the necessary parameters and choose a policy profile from the dropdown menu during project creation.
Policy Profiles
Standalone Profiles
Standalone profiles allow you to configure access settings for individual virtual machines (VMs) that are added to Kubernetes clusters within Taikun. Set the necessary parameters and select a standalone profile during project creation.
Standalone Profile